RE: Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal
By: tehquickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog
We think there are several reasons why Singaporeans choose to migrate to other countries.
Firstly, is due to the stress level in this fast-pace country. The need for us to consistently improve to compete with the rest of the major countries had made the society in Singapore more stressful than countries such as Switzerland.
Furthermore, with the increasing amount of employers looking for highly qualified workers, Singaporeans have been led to believe that with the more paper qualification one have the more chances they can get to obtain a post with high-pay. This have brought along competition not only within the working society but also in the education level.
Suicide rates in Singapore due to education alone take up the majority and are fast increasing. This is not because of the difficulty in the syllabus but rather the stress caused by the education system. Not too long ago, a newspaper report had reported that a secondary school student due to his poor results threw himself out of the window. And instead of ending his life, he ended up in the hospital.
Comparing with other countries, Singapore citizens are among the ‘most stressed citizens in the world’ list and it is no wonder why our country people will end up deciding to migrate to other countries to escape from this stressful community. Other countries such as in Australia or USA have lesser competition and this brings about lesser stress and it made migrating to other countries more tempting. The increased amount of work opportunity and the higher amount of pay other countries offer are other main reasons why migrating is tempting.
Singapore itself is a small island found in the continent Asia. Another factor why Singaporeans choose to migrate to other countries might be because they think Singapore is too boring for them as there are limited places to go to. A tourist who decided to visit Singapore might be able to cover the majority of the attractions found here within three days, as compared to other countries, such as USA or even Europe; a week can only allow you to cover a small part of the country itself. Therefore, some Singaporeans might feel that other countries maybe more interesting and have more places to visit than in Singapore.
However, we cannot look at things from only one point of view. If we totally agree that Singaporeans are not disloyal if they migrate to other countries, there might as well be no more Singaporeans left in Singapore. There are some Singaporeans who decide to slug it out in Singapore, so there is no reason for them to leave just because of the mentioned factors.
Firstly, with the lack of job opportunities in Singapore, Singaporeans should view it as a blessing in disguise. We should upgrade ourselves to compete with the foreign talents, and rid the tags of ‘boring’ and ‘uncreative’ that have stayed with us for quite some time already. There are many successful people that do not have high qualifications, so why should Singaporeans leave just because there are foreign talents coming in?
Secondly, although Singapore is really more boring compared with other countries, one should note that we cannot live just by having fun. Singapore has limited land space, and too much entertainment facilities just will not do. Moreover, how boring or interesting and fun a place is, only depends on the people who populate the place. We should make Singapore a better and more interesting place, not letting it becoming more interesting by itself. A theme park will not be fun if everyone goes there with a bad mood.
To conclude, we disagree that Singaporeans who migrate overseas are considered disloyal. Although we are provided with food, shelter, education and a geographically safe environment here in Singapore, some Singaporeans might want to migrate as they feel that the environment found here do not suit them at all. Singaporeans still have a decision to choose their own path in life, be it migrating or just staying put.
From: C Reasoning Skills
By: Wei Sinn
I would agree to a large extent to your group's response. I personally also think that singapore is a fast paced country and employers are looking for employees with paper qualification. We may have the best qualifications but we do not have the experience, or to be specific, hands-on experience. Without the experience, we only know the theory section and in the real world we have to physically do it. Thats where the experience comes in.
There is something that I do not see is why other countries like Australia and USA have lesser competition. There population size is far bigger than ours and is likely to have more competition than us.
To conclude, its all up to the people..
From allgirlsgroup
By Yongrong
RE: TEH QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG- Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal
First of all, I agree with your group that Singaporeans migrating to other countries is due the stress level in our society. No matter in schools or workplaces, tensed competition is created. I feel that this might be a side effect from Singapore moving too fast in the past few years, ending up Singapore has few areas to be continually developed, thus our people will be all concentrated in one area, fighting with one another to get the same post/opportunity.
I also appreciate your point that such causes can lead to high sucide rates in Singapore, and it would be even saddening for our Singapore population.
However, for your point on "Another factor why Singaporeans choose to migrate to other countries might be because they think Singapore is too boring for them as there are limited places to go to", I have some disagreements on that. I believe that having fewer sightful areas in Singapore is not the factor for Singaporeans to be migrating to other countries. This is because Singaporeans could actually go for an overseas holiday easily with their financial ability, not necessarily need to resort to migrating for other countries for the sake of sightful scenery. Perhaps, I would say that the ambience of whole Singapore society is too dull, and forcing our people to change their living environment.
To further add on, I share the same sentimentals with your group that Singapore migrating should not be regarded as disloyal totally. I believe there is a certain level of freedom for these people to practise their wants and don'ts, furthermore, forcing them to stay in a place which serves no meaning to them, they might not be willing to contribute significantly for our society too, so perhaps, in exchange, we invite those foreign talents who are so eager to come to Singapore and fight with us.
Moreover, I feel that this issue can be highlighting to us that our people may not have their roots placed deeply in their hometown. This may have to do with the education system we used to have now, perhaps too much concentration has been given to specialising skills and acquiring knowledge, but too little has been spent to educate our students to be patriotic. Thus, this could be an area for Singapore to look into if we wish to have more future local talents contributing to our own economy.
All in all, I suggest that Singapore has to do more to make our local people feel that they are wanted in their homeland, otherwise, the number of people migrating to overseas may increase significantly with even more reasons.
RE: TEH QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG- Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal
I would to express my thanks on the comment you had posted on my BLOG. I would like to add on the comments you posted as it is great sharing with more knowledge.
Regarding about the job opportunities, I believe Singaporeans should not take an excuse as a blessing of disguise. However, there is reason which i mention earlier on "Their land is bigger than Singapore, more industry is to build and more professional are to be hire as well."
I have added this point to emphasize that other countries land space is bigger. Bigger land needs more variety kind of jobs to handle, thus more jobs means more people have to be hired. As you see, Australia or any other countries have bigger land than Singapore. They offer MORE kinds of jobs like Mining, Geologist, Forestry, Gastronomist or Astronomers which i believe this kind of jobs which interest Singaporeans as well.
Even as a Astronomers, Singapore do not have the ability to build such equipment on the land. That is why; I believe because of these job opportunities which interest Singaporeans, that is why there is a temptation of migrating to other countries.
Secondly, about the education system you have stated. As I have highlighted above about job occupation. Actually it is link with the education as well. As I came across a phrase "Singapore do not have much natural resources" by Lee Kuan Yew.
Does Singapore have many natural resources than other country like Australia or United states? Does Singapore have oil resource or forest to manage with? Well, basically I believe other countries have the resources which need more people on this field.
That is why based on education system, which I mentioned "As you can see Australia or other country has bigger land spaces where education can provide more variety of courses offered to student. In Singapore education system, education system is least variety of choice compare to others".
I am trying to highlight that this education system provides more variety of courses offered than in Singapore. I have also noted that you have also mentioned about "Many people in Singapore choose to study in Australia because they cannot enter their desired college or find that education in Singapore is too stress after all".
I believe that is not the actual fact. My brother is a good example. He was able to enter NUS but he decline in fact he is doing overseas studies in Australia to pursue his interest. I believe this is not an excuse to say that Singaporeans could not enter the desired College or universities.
Why would they go to Australia to study if they cannot enter the desire school? Well, Singapore have so many Private Schools. They can even enroll PRIVATE School such as BMC, MDIS, SMU,SIM or even IT school in Jurong East. So what I am trying to emphasize is INTEREST are the word we can say about them which tempt them to migrate.
However, after much add-on comment by me, I would to agree the point u have highlighted about stress level in this fast-pace country. I believe Singapore is a fast-pace country which can cause much stress among us. Due to the high demands of employer and the paper qualification they are looking for and many Singaporeans are trying to further upgrade just to earn the qualification and a higher pay-out. Thus, the fast-paced society causes it to be competitive.
And lastly, u stated about difficulty in the syllabus but rather the stress caused by the education system thus increasing suicide factor. I do not believe that Singapore is the most stress citizen caused. Anywhere in the world where there is education, it is stress as well. We cannot say that other country is least stress community since Singapore is the most stress citizen. Did you know there is news about 2 students buying arms and going on shooting spree in the college in United States? This is caused not only by the education but also to the friends, teacher and parents as well.
In my conclusion, I believe Singapore are not consider as MOST stress citizen but to the others as well. Anyway, I do appreciate the article knowledge u have posted up but I do have my point of views which I disagree it.
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