Wednesday, October 31, 2007


name: tan yong wei
group: tehquickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog
RE: gaysociety's "Singaporeans who quit the country and migrate overseas are disloyal"

Firstly, I would like to say that it would be appreciated if the article was paragraphed.

I would have to disagree with some of the views of the group. Firstly, GaySociety stated that one of the reasons is due to the job opportunities in other countries. I am sure that many of us would have thought of this point at first, but why should Singaporeans tackle this problem in this manner.

In my opinion, Singaporeans should not take this as an excuse, instead, why not take the lack of job opportunities in Singapore as a blessing in disguise? We should be upgrading ourselves, and trying to shed that 'boring', 'uncreative' image of Singaporeans. There are many successful people in Singapore without high qualifications, and that proves that paper qualifications are not as important as they seem. Of course, I am not saying that everyone has that kind of ability, rather, trying to prove my point that we should not use such matters as excuses.

Secondly, it is mentioned that the Singapore education system is not as good as education system of countries like Australia. I would beg to differ. When GaySociety stated that the education system in Singapore is least varied, I would have to agree to a certain extent, as it only holds true for the first 10 years or so. Unless students decide to go to JC, tertiary education onwards is not as unvaried as many people think of it to be. Moreover, the better universities in Singapore are better recognized than many other universities from other countries, for example Australia. Many people in Singapore choose to study in Australia because they cannot enter their desired college or find that education in Singapore is too stress after all.

However, I have to agree that the cost of living in Singapore is higher than other countries after all. This especially holds true for the land, vehicles, and such. This is the most valid reason why Singaporeans would migrate to other countries. However, this is only possible if the citizen has the money to migrate in the first place, and if they have the money to migrate, it most probably mean that they can cope with the living cost in Singapore. Moreover, a friend of mine studying in Australia currently noted that the price of food in Australia is much higher than in Singapore, thus, there are pros and cons regarding the difference in the cost of living between Singapore and Australia.

In conclusion, I would have to disagree with most of GaySociety's response, but that is only my point of view, and everyone has theirs. Thus, I would have to say that GaySociety did have some good points that I did not mention in details, however, many other points mentioned are different my point of views.

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